Source code for fspsage

""" -- Estimates the age of a Photometric SED using FSPS.

Science goal:
    Check local environment effects on SNIa by looking for correlations
    between HR and the age of the local environment calculated from SDSS Scene
    Modeling Photometry

Usage: burnin OBJID run DATASET JOBID JOBLENGTH [-d | --debug] (-h | --help) --version

    burnin          run a shorter run on specific objects only
    OBJID           the SN (or Messier) ID of the object to observe
    run             estimate age for a given data set
    DATASET         analyses circle, messier, gupta, campbell, campbellG, and riess data sets
    JOBID           the ID for the piece of the data set to be analyzed
    JOBLENGTH       the total number of objects looked at
    -d --debug      run shorter and with more logs
    -h --help       show this screen
    --version       show version

* Benjamin Rose
* University of Notre Dame
* 2017-01-19
* Python 3.5
"""future options. testFspsParameters [-d | --debug] calculateAge (--sn=SNID) [-d | --debug] age NAME U G R I Z U_ERR G_ERR R_ERR I_ERR Z_ERR local [-d | --debug]

__author__ = "Benjamin Rose"
__version__ = "0.3.0"
__license__ = "MIT"

import logging

from docopt import docopt
import numpy as np

# ignore fsps on Read The Docs
    from os import environ
except KeyError:
    import fsps

[docs]def formatLogging(): """Setting up the logger parts that are the same for all commands """ # update logging formating formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s:%(name)s:%(levelname)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%I:%M:%S') fh.setFormatter(formatter) # add handler to logger object logger.addHandler(fh)'Starting')
[docs]def testFspsParameters(): import fspsParameters
# print(fspsParameters.test_compute_vega_mags()) # fspsParameters.test_neg_ri_color() # fspsParameters.test_add_neb_emission()
[docs]def calculateAge(SNID): """ # Get MCMC running and be able to calculate an age with uncertainties. """ import calculateAge ##### # unit tests ##### # runFSPS() # - should return a list with 5 arguments # sp = fsps.StellarPopulation(zcontinuous=2, logzsol=0, dust1=1.0, # dust2=0.5, cloudy_dust=True, sfh=4) # redshift = 0.084 logzsol = 0.0 dust2 = 0.1 tau = 1 tStart = 1 sfTrans = 10 sfSlope = 1 # results = calculateAge.runFSPS(sp, redshift, logzsol, dust2, tau, # tStart, sfTrans, sfSlope) # print('runFSPS(): ', results) # currently succeeds! We get a list with 5 parameters # lnlike() # - should return a float # [logzsol, dust2, tau, tStart, sfTrans, sfSlope, c]`. c = -20 theta = [logzsol, dust2, tau, tStart, sfTrans, sfSlope, c] # from SN12781, or 2006er just using the values in the file # SED = np.array([24.41, 23.92, 23.08, 22.68, 22.01]) # SEDerr = np.array([0.49, 0.10, 0.05, 0.05, 0.10]) # redshift = 0.084 #from SN10028, or ? just using the values in the file SED = np.array([21.22, 19.45, 18.64, 18.27, 17.98]) SEDerr = np.array([0.041, 0.004, 0.019, 0.012, 0.004]) redshift = 0.065 # from SN15776 (global) that should be red and dead, but on 2017-05-11 was young and dusty SNID = 15776 SED = np.array([23.14426, 21.00639, 19.41827, 18.82437, 18.46391]) SEDerr = np.array([0.8009404, 0.04814964, 0.01899451, 0.01771959, 0.04554904]) redshift = 0.305
# results = calculateAge.lnlike(theta, SED, SEDerr, redshift, sp) # print('lnlike(): ') # print(type(results)) # print(results) # print('where is this X < 0 coming from?') # calculateSFH() # sp = fsps.StellarPopulation(zcontinuous=2, logzsol=0, dust1=1.0, dust2=0.5, # cloudy_dust=True, sfh=4) # SED = np.array([24.41, 23.92, 23.08, 22.68, 22.01]) # SEDerr = np.array([0.49, 0.10, 0.05, 0.05, 0.10]) # redshift = 0.084 # results = calculateAge.calculateSFH(SED, SEDerr, redshift, 10028)#, sp=sp) # print('calculateSFH(): ', results) # results = calculateAge.calculateAge(redshift, SED, SEDerr, SNID=10028) # results = calculateAge.calculateAge(redshift, SED, SEDerr, SNID=10028, debug=True) # print('calculateAge(): ', results) # Currently Fails!! # from SN12781, or 2006er just using the values in the file # SED = np.array([24.41, 23.92, 23.08, 22.68, 22.01]) # SEDerr = np.array([0.49, 0.10, 0.05, 0.05, 0.10]) # redshift = 0.084 # results = calculateAge.calculateAge(redshift, SED, SEDerr) # print('calcualteAge()')
[docs]def redoGupta(cli): """ # Test on global SED's We want to redo what Gupta did to make sure we can actually do something before we analyze on new data. :param cli: The dictionary of the CLI constructed by :docop:. """ """ run Parameters ---------- cli : dictionary The result of docopt's parsing of the CLI. """ import redoGupta redoGupta.redoGupta(int(cli['JOBID']), int(cli['JOBLENGTH']), cli['--debug'], cli['DATASET'])
[docs]def burnin(cli): """ Runs a smaller `emcee.sampler` to see how the sampling is progressing. Hopefully these values will not effect how it samples, but it will likely effect how well it sampled. """ import calculateAge as age all_data = {'15776': {'SNID': 15776, 'SED': np.array([23.14426, 21.00639, 19.41827, 18.82437, 18.46391]), 'SEDerr': np.array([0.8009404, 0.04814964, 0.01899451, 0.01771959, 0.04554904]), 'redshift': 0.305 }, '63': {'SNID': 63, 'SED': np.array([11.006, 11.076, 10.179, 8.925, 9.317]), 'SEDerr': np.array([0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.002]), 'redshift': 0.001681 }, '101': {'SNID': 101, 'SED': np.array([13.671, 12.219, 11.529, 11.237, 10.883]), 'SEDerr': np.array([0.004, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002]), 'redshift': 0.000804 }, } try: data = all_data[cli['OBJID']] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError('The OBJID argument can only be 15776 or 101 at this' ' time.') age.calculateSFH(data['SED'], data['SEDerr'], data['redshift'], data['SNID'], burnin=True)
if __name__ == '__main__': # parse docopts cli = docopt(__doc__, version=__version__) # Setup logger ## initiate ## for all submodules to log with these settings they need to have the same start of a name. logger = logging.getLogger("fsps-age") ## set level if cli['--debug']: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # create handler object to be able to change settings. ## choose saving location if cli['run']: fh = logging.FileHandler('logs/global/fsps-age_{}.log'.format(cli['JOBID'])) formatLogging() redoGupta(cli) elif cli['burnin']: fh = logging.FileHandler('logs/burnin/fsps-age.log') formatLogging() burnin(cli) else: fh = logging.FileHandles('logs/fsps-age.log') formatLogging()'Done')